3 Tips For Embracing Painful Moments In Life

Pain is simply inevitable in life, and it is completely natural to want to avoid it. However, suppressing our emotions can affect our health, and ultimately result in a pain that is even stronger. Going head-to-head with our suffering and struggles can be scary: trust me, I understand. But when you embrace the pain, you will find yourself truly beginning to heal. So how do we work through traumatic emotional events in our lives? How do we heal? Below I have listed 3 things that I have learned throughout my own journey in embracing the painful moments in life.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Don’t run from your feelings. Don’t bury them deep inside or ignore what you are feeling. Talk about what you are feeling with a loved one, friend or counselor. Journaling is another great outlet for expressing your feelings.

“Embrace the feeling. Start the healing.” – Maxime Lagace

2. Allow Yourself Time

Allow yourself time, patience to heal, and understand that it doesn’t happen overnight. Depending on the magnitude, it could take awhile, and that’s okay. Remind yourself we all heal at our own pace, and to be gentle with yourself.

3. Learn and Grow

It’s difficult to think of pain as a good thing when you’re in the midst of it, but without pain, there is no growth. Recognizing the positives seems unrealistic at the time, and you may be saying to yourself “how can anything good come out of this?” But when Oprah Winfrey stated that you must “turn your wounds into wisdom,” it shows us how we must seek deep within ourselves and our struggles to find the hidden lessons we need to learn. Personally, the most valuable, immeasurable lesson I learned is that I am so much stronger than I once believed—and I know you are too.

By Kim Holderness

Still Moments

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  • Thanks for sharing this. The timing is perfect and I really needed to hear this right now.

  • Thank you! Will be passing this to a family member who is having a hard time right now.

  • Great reminder that the dawn is going to come and that there are tools that you can use during the night.

  • This is beautiful. “Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be you.” This is such a true statement said in such a lovely way. This post is so relatable because we are all usually going through some type of “growing” situation in our lives. Thank you for sharing this. 💜

  • Love that quote! Also - they same time heals...sometimes the time it takes to heal is so long - we must power thru!

  • Great tips! I definitely think it's important to try to learn and grow from any experience once the worst grieving or the most painful part is over.

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